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How to delete a Wayn account?

If you want to remove your account on Wayn (aka ‘Where Are You Now’), a social travel network, you can easily do that in the Settings of your account.

I’ll show you below how I managed to close my profile permanently using a desktop computer:

 1  Go to and sign in to your account

 2  Click on your picture in the upper right corner > choose My account

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 3  Select ‘Delete account’ in the submenu

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 4  Last step: Indicate why you want to close the account (e.g. I don’t find Wayn useful)

and enter your password. Then you can hit the Delete account button.

delete wayn account 4

 ✅  Result

Congratulations, you’ll see a confirmation that your membership has been closed successfully.

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Source (and thanks to):

3 thoughts on “How to delete a Wayn account?”

  1. Your answer has been very much helpful. Thank you very much, have been trying to delete my Wayn account for a long time.

  2. Someone sent me a Wayn invite. I didnt realize what it was and hit open.
    Now it tells me I am connected?

    I see the bottom that says I can stop receiving emails BUT that doesn’t give me a comfort level that it not create an account somewhere with my email address and name.

    Your instructions on permenantly shutting down my account means I have to have a password which I dont have as I only hit open and became connected.
    Do you have any instructions for contacting Wayn directly to remove my email etc?

    I dont want to hit accept to their cookies etc.

    Thank you, any input is appreciated.

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