If you want to remove your account on Care2, a community for people who are dedicated to a healthy and green lifestyle, you’ll see in this manual that you can easily do that with a removal link in the Help section of your account.
I’ll show you below some pictures on how I managed to delete my profile step by step using a desktop computer:
1 Go to www.care2.com and sign in to your account
2 Click on your name in the upper right corner => Select Help
3 Scroll down and click on the link: Delete account
it’s under My account.
4 Last step: Mark the checkbox and close your account
but be aware of the fact that with your profile, you will also remove: any email, address books, discussion messages, daily actions, race stats, photos, profiles or newsletter subscriptions associated with the account.
✅ Result
A message will appear: “you are now logged out” and your account has been closed.
*Source (& thanks to): care2.com