If you want to remove your account on Lovoo, a chat community where you can get to know new people, you can easily do that in the Settings of your account.
I’ll show you below how I managed to close my profile permanently using a desktop computer:
1 Go to www.lovoo.com and login to your account (or open the app)
2 Select the gear wheel in the upper right corner and choose Settings
3 You’ll arrive in My account => Look for a light grey link on the bottom: Delete account
4 Confirm that you want to leave Lovoo
5 You’ll see a message appear: Delete account – an email has been sent to you => Go to your email inbox
6 Go to your email inbox and click on the Delete account link in the email you received from Lovoo
You’ll be logged out automatically and you’ll see a message appear:
Your account has successfully been deleted
Congratulations, your account has now been closed.
Source (and thanks to): lovoo.com